
Landscapes & Pastorals

Showing 1-20 of 1,136 results
  • Poem
    By Meredith Stricker
    in the DMZ ravines north of the Kaesong wastes edging
    south of the perfect ruler’s pink and prisoned paradisethere is a climate paying no attention to us where cranes
    repopulate serpentine deltas
  • Poem
    By Carolyn Forché
    These are your stones, assembled in matchbox and tin,
    collected from roadside, culvert, and viaduct,
  • Poem
    By Timothy Donnelly
    And though we had fed long and well at the table
      the talk always turned to whether to go on
  • Poem
    By Andrew Frisardi
                                          PRIMEAt dawn, the shapes of cypresses in fog
    Were fingers pointing up from graves, as if what's born…
  • Poem
    By Don Domanski
    clouds creak in the sky
    herons creak in the sky. 
    the dark approaches itself
    from all sides once again…
  • Poem
    By Peter O’Leary
    In a wind
    the lake's scissoring surface

    and the Sun's vernal glare
    the gulls cut to curls
    in their turns…
  • Poem
    By James Joyce
    He travels after a winter sun,
    Urging the cattle along a cold red road,
    Calling to them, a voice they …
  • Poem
    By George Oppen
    My father bought us this trip, he'd taken it, he wanted to give us an experience,
    our eyes to see for…
  • Poem
    By Tilsa Otta
    Translated By Farid Matuk
    I saw a herd of toads in the gully of my reflection
    Staring at each other arguing over insects 
    It wasn…
  • Poem
    By Tilsa Otta
    Vi una manada de sapos mirándose entre ellos
    Discutiendo insectos en el cauce de mi reflejo
    No fue rom…
  • Poem
    By Bertrand N. O. Walker
    Lonely, open, vast and free,
    The dark'ning desert lies;
    The wind sweeps o'er it fiercely,
    And the yellow…
  • Poem
    By Emily Wilson
    stripped batting of cloud
    glimpsed ligaments
    dusk coming up under
    lithographic, nib-hatchings
           instruments click
           the fine-sprung locust
           replicate dinge along hill-lines
           tailings of umber, the rust smudge
    There is still that hemmed ocean of oaks
           the various reds, the somehow
           silver cast over the...
  • Poem
    By Stephen Ratcliffe
    light coming into fog against invisible
    top of ridge, blue jay on redwood fence
    in foreground, sound of wave in channel

              starting from this concept,
              anything that is not 

  • Poem
    By Cole Swensen
    a river slips
                            in shifting leaves
    sifting. a river sifts
                            and falls to pieces
    in which not seen
  • Poem
    By Emily Brontë
    O transient voyager of heaven!
    ⁠ ⁠ ⁠ O silent sign of winter skies!
    What adverse wind thy sail has driven
    ⁠ ⁠ ⁠ To dungeons where a prisoner lies?

    Methinks the hands that shut the sun
    ⁠ ⁠ ⁠ ⁠So sternly from this morning's brow
    Might still their rebel task have done
    ⁠⁠ ⁠ ⁠ And checked a thing...
  • Poem
    By John Tickhill
    Translated By Eric Weiskott
    In springtime, chief of all seasons,
            in May when new joys rise and flourish,
                    the sun is lord and messenger at once and sends down to us
            to rouse our bodies and be merry:
    humankind to...
  • Poem
    By Jane Hirshfield
    On the fifth day
    the scientists who studied the rivers
    were forbidden to speak
    or to study the rivers.
    The scientists who studied the air
    were told not to speak of the air,
    and the ones who worked for the farmers
    were silenced,
    and the ones who worked...
  • Poem
    By Alvin Feinman
    This this will it always be, and why
    To ever argue for: here walking
    In its life, or sprawled, or loitering
    Down shallow valleys of the lawn:
    The trees that are there
    The pigeon bobbing through
    Its fallowgray ellipse of ground—
    The comfort of this ground
    Is physical:...

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