By Karyna McGlynn
& Memphis is out in Full Fang!
Skeletons skip down our pitted streets.
Whole families with matching hobo stipple
roam tragicomically through the sprawling
candy deserts: polka-dot bandanas
on sticks, flapping Chaplinesque shoes.
Unclaimed pumpkins pile high
behind razor wire. The air's thick...
By William Butler Yeats
Midnight has come and the great Christ Church bellAnd many a lesser bell sound through the room;And ...
By Jericho Brown
Aster. Nasturtium. Delphinium. We thoughtFingers in dirt meant it was our dirt, learningNames in heat...
By W. S. Merwin
Late in May as the light lengthenstoward summer the young goldfinchesflutter down through the day for...
By Arvind Krishna Mehrotra
Set with raindrops, displayed
between the king’s mantle and the litchi tree,
was the cobweb I almost walked into.
After an hour, when I returned,
the light had changed, the raindrops
were smaller, the glitter had gone,
and there was no sign of the occupant...
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