Krista Franklin: “ take root among the stars.”

Cloudy blue background with coins, the moon lander and a small black girl superimposed ontop.
“… to take root among the stars.” is a speculative “mapping” project wherein evidence of Afrofuturist and AfroSurrealist thought is traced, imagined, and archived in and on handmade paper. Poet and collage artist Krista Franklin’s work for this exhibit centers on the gathering of Black printed matter. Publications like Ebony and Jet have long served as primary information sources for the Black community as well as significant outlets for Black creative expression. “… to take root among the stars.” uses articles sourced from vintage Ebony magazines that address or make transparent space travel and radical imaginings. The final form is a wall-sized mixed media “map” of origination. This exhibition coincides with the publication of Franklin’s collection Under the Knife, excerpts of which will be woven throughout the exhibition. This exhibition includes excerpts from Franklin’s new collection Under the Knife.
Poetry Foundation
61 West Superior Street
Free Admission