In the Midst of Life
By Kathleen Spivack
Pancakes for You and Me
By Robin Magowan
The Owl Behind the Door, by Stanley Cooperman
By Robin Magowan
Drool, Poems and Maize, a Poem, by James Bertolino
By Robin Magowan
Cups, by Robin Blaser
By Robin Magowan
Brandings, by Katherine Arnstein Heinemann
By Robin Magowan
Mia Poems, by Burton Raffel
By Robin Magowan
The Correspondences: Poems 1965-1967, by James L. Weil
By Robin Magowan
Greyhound: A Poem Sequence, by Joseph Somoza
By Robin Magowan
The Silence Outside Things, by Don Gray
By Robin Magowan
Rituals, a Book of Poems, by Douglas Eichhorn
By Robin Magowan
Pancakes for the Queen of Babylon: Ten Poems for Nikos Gatsos, byPeter Levi, S.J.
By Robin Magowan

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Source: Poetry (June 1970)
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