July 1937
- Elizabeth Bishop
- Harris Downey
- Robert Friend
- Roberta Holloway
- Josephine Jacobsen
From this Issue

Table of Contents
Two Mornings and Two Evenings
Land's Edge
- Edmund Wilson Jr.
Two Poems
- Winfield Townley Scott
Two Preludes
- Harris Downey
- William Stephens
- Harold Rosenberg
Three Poems
- Michal Thorn
- Agnes Lee
The Secret Flame
- Josephine Jacobsen
Sequoian Notes
- John Russell McCarthy
- Marjorie Knapp
- Gilbert Maxwell
Many Voices
- Roberta Holloway
- John Wheelwright
- Evelyn Scott
- Allen Tate
- T. C. Wilson
- Kenneth Burke
- Sherman Conrad
- Jessica Nelson North
- Delmore Schwartz
- Elizabeth Bishop
- Kenneth Burke
- Sherman Conrad
- Harris Downey
- Robert Friend
- Roberta Holloway
- Josephine Jacobsen
- Marjorie Knapp
- Agnes Lee
- Gilbert Maxwell
- John Russell McCarthy
- Jessica Nelson North
- Harold Rosenberg
- Delmore Schwartz
- Winfield Townley Scott
- Evelyn Scott
- William Stephens
- Allen Tate
- Michal Thorn
- John Wheelwright
- Edmund Wilson Jr.
- T. C. Wilson