From this Issue

Table of Contents
- Donald Davie
- R. S. Thomas
- Austin Clarke
- Norman MacCaig
- Ted Hughes
- Peter Redgrove
- F. T. Prince
- Thomas Kinsella
- Charles Tomlinson
- Tares, by R. S. Thomas
- [Norman MacCaig, Ted Hughes, Robert Graves]
- Poems, by A. D. Hope
- The Many Named Beloved, by Samuel Menashe
- Collected Poems, by Ronald Bottrall
- Versions from Fyodor Tyutchev (Tr. by Charles Tomlinson and Henry Gifford)
- Five Centuries of Polish Poetry, by Jerzy Peterkiewicz and Burns Singer
- More Poems, by Robert Graves
- Legends and Pastorals, by Graham Hough
- Late Poems, by Austin Clarke
- Poems in Scots and English, by William Soutar
- Poems and Translations, by Thomas Kinsella
- The Nature of Cold Weather, by Peter Redgrove
- The Sun My Monument, by Laurie Lee
- My Sad Captains, by Thom Gunn
- Poetry Today and An Anthology of Modern Verse 1940-60 (Ed.), by Elizabeth Jennings
- A Sequence for Francis Parkman and New and Selected Poems, by Donald Davie
- Poets and Mushrooms: A Retrospect of British Poetry in 1961
- Robert Lowell
- Henry Gifford
- Henry W. Rago