From this Issue

Table of Contents
- James Reaney
- Jon Anderson
- Harold Witt
- Gilbert Sorrentino
- Robin Skelton
- Henry Carlile
- Colleen Thibaudeau
- James Kugel
- Peter Wild
- Herbert Scott
- David Mus
- Chester Kallman
- W. H. Auden
- Philip Levine
- Robert Cohen
- Jerome J. McGann
- Religious Poetry
- The Christian Tradition in Modern British Verse Drama, by William V. Spanos
- Christopher Smart, Scholar of the University, by Arthur Sherbo
- Contexts of Dryden's Thought, by Phillip Harth
- George Herbert's Lyrics, by Arnold Stein
- Religious Trends in English Poetry: VI (1920-1965), by Hoxie N. Fairchild
- The Living Milton (Ed. by Frank Kermode)
- English Religious Lyric in the Middle Ages, by Rosemary Woolf