From this Issue
If you write a poem about love ...
the love is a bird,
the poem is an origami bird.
If you write a poem about death ...
the death is a terrible fire,
the poem is an offering of paper cutout flames
you feed to the...
the love is a bird,
the poem is an origami bird.
If you write a poem about death ...
the death is a terrible fire,
the poem is an offering of paper cutout flames
you feed to the...

Table of Contents
- Albert Goldbarth
- Zach Finch
- Moira Egan
- Nance Van Winckel
- Fred Muratori
- Susanne Dubroff
- Scott Cairns
- Kevin Young
- Averill Curdy
- Jeanne Murray Walker
- Debora Greger
- Kevin Meaux
- Meghan Hickey
- James Ragan
- Mark Jarman
- David Lehman
- Stephen Dobyns
- Billy Collins
- Arthur Meryash
- Bob Hicok
- Lynne Knight
- Lynn Powell
- W. S. Di Piero
- Peter Campion
- Lisa Goff
- Alfred Corn
- Karen Scoon
- Timothy Pickering
- Michael Salcman
- Patrick McGuinness
- Christopher Locke
- Kenneth Rosen
- Steven Cramer
- James Smolens
- Scott Cairns
- Peter Campion
- Billy Collins
- Alfred Corn
- Steven Cramer
- Averill Curdy
- W. S. Di Piero
- Stephen Dobyns
- Susanne Dubroff
- Moira Egan
- Zach Finch
- Lisa Goff
- Albert Goldbarth
- Debora Greger
- Meghan Hickey
- Bob Hicok
- Mark Jarman
- Lynne Knight
- David Lehman
- Christopher Locke
- Patrick McGuinness
- Kevin Meaux
- Arthur Meryash
- Fred Muratori
- Timothy Pickering
- Lynn Powell
- James Ragan
- Kenneth Rosen
- Michael Salcman
- Karen Scoon
- James Smolens
- Nance Van Winckel
- Jeanne Murray Walker
- Kevin Young