Adrienne Su

Raised in Atlanta, Georgia, Su earned a BA from Radcliffe College of Harvard University and an MFA from the University of Virginia. She is the author of the poetry collections Peach State (2021), Living Quarters (2015), Having None of It (2009), Sanctuary (2006), and Middle Kingdom (1997). Her awards include a National Endowment for the Arts Fellowship and residencies at the Fine Arts Works Center and The Frost Place. In 2019, Su was awarded a grant from the Money for Women/Barbara Deming Memorial Fund.
Commenting on her work for the National Endowment for the Arts website, she said that in terms of subject matter, she prefers “the daily to the exotic.” In Having None of It, this preference is evident in the focus on balancing motherhood and professional work.
Su’s poems have appeared in the anthologies Asian-American Poetry: The Next Generation (2004), The New American Poets (2000), and The Pushcart Prize XXIV (2000).
She teaches at Dickinson College in Carlisle, Pennsylvania.