Corina Copp

Corina Copp is a writer, poet, and artist based in New York and Los Angeles. She is the translator of My Mother Laughs (Ma mère rit), by filmmaker Chantal Akerman (The Song Cave, 2019); and author of The Green Ray (Ugly Duckling Presse, 2015).
Her poetry, performance texts, and criticism can be found in Film Quarterly, Film Comment, Cabinet, BOMB, Frieze, OUT OF EVERYWHERE 2: Linguistically innovative poetry by women in North America & the UK (Reality Street, 2015); Corrected Slogans: Reading and Writing Conceptualism (Triple Canopy, 2013); The Sonnets: Translating & Rewriting Shakespeare (Telephone Books, 2012); The Daily Pen American, SFMOMA’s Open Space, Boston Review, Fence, and Cambridge Literary Review, among other publications.
Copp is a former Lower Manhattan Cultural Council Workspace writer-in-residence and curator at The Segue Foundation; and a 2014 New York Foundation for the Arts Fellow in Poetry. She has taught cinema at the University of Southern California; and inter-genre writing and adaptation workshops at Wendy's Subway, Poets House, The Poetry Project at St. Mark's Church, and Mount Saint Mary's University, Los Angeles.