ArticlePoetry Out Loud to Celebrate 20th Anniversary During 2024-2025 School YearSchools and Organizations Invited to Host Their Own Poetry Out Loud Competition
Poemp1Starship Somatics: An InvitationBy Petra KuppersAuthor’s Note: The video is the poem: the experience of voice, light and shadow, the (virtual) touch of the water...
ArticleDouglas Kearney: SelectionsBy Noah Baldino, Natalie Earnhart & The EditorsPoems by an interdisciplinary writer and performer
Poemp1the last godsBy Ruth Ellen KocherDownload the descriptive transcript. we were joy junkies riding coal waste on old mining roads. the ...
VideoAndrea Gibson reads "Acceptance Speech After Setting the World Record in Goosebumps"Ours Poetica
AudioRoll Call: Three Castles and the Music CityVSIn October of 1871, the oldest University in Nashville TN, teetered on the brink of collapse. To survive, Fisk University staked its last $40 on a set of field hymns...Listen now
Poemp1The Origins of LoveBy The Cyborg Jillian WeiseAccess the video sonnet without audio description. Download the descriptive transcript. Begin. Cutting...
Poemp1Color Study in BlueBy The Cyborg Jillian WeiseAccess the video sonnet without audio description. Download the descriptive transcript. First frame:...
Poemp1Romantic GestureBy The Cyborg Jillian WeiseAccess to the video sonnet without audio description. Download the descriptive transcript. Begin. A ...
Poemp1Sujet Supposé SavoirBy The Cyborg Jillian WeiseAccess the video sonnet without audio description. Download the descriptive transcript. She texts me...
Poemp1Death WishBy Josh Alex BakerI ask when is the last time you returned yourself to yourself. I am a hypocrite to make you answer what...
Poemp1A Poem for IndigoBy Voice PorterFor nothing more than the Love of my people I fight staying my path honoring the ancestors dragging ...
Poemp1what can a poem do?By Darius V. Daughtrya poem cannot save a life cannot Luke Cage your skin fend off a dark alley attack cannot make you less...
Poemp1Knotted TonguesBy Amorette "Epiphany" LormilI’ve parked parts of an 8-knot tongue somewhere in my breath My glottal effect be global Sound like ...
Poemp1ConcreteBy XaireI often hear of roses grown from concrete— forgive me if I find it difficult to celebrate the bloom....
Poemp1CocoonBy Nyah HardmonMy nana be born caterpillar, but she didn’t stay that way. How silly it is to live a beginning so different...
Poemp1templeBy Ashlee Hazethe pastor says we are having church and I begin to wonder what it means to possess a thing you cannot touch I...