From this Issue

Table of Contents
- Philip Levine
- Michelle Boisseau
- Dyan Sublett
- Paul Nelson
- Amy Clampitt
- Alexandra Placotari
- Gail Shepherd
- Robin Behn
- Arthur Smith
- Alice Fulton
- Maxine Kumin
- Edward Hirsch
Short Reviews
- Robert Phillips
- Short Reviews
- Overnight in the Guest House of the Mystic, by Dick Allen
- Drawn by Stones, by Earth, by Things that Have Been in the Fire, by Marvin Bell
- Maximum Security Ward and Other Poems, by Ramon Guthrie (Ed. by Sally M. Gall)
- Yin, by Carolyn Kizer
- Rules of Sleep, by Howard Moss
- Works and Days, by David Schubert (Ed. by T. and R. Weiss)
- Amy Clampitt