From this Issue
I must be the heavy globe
of hydrangea, always bowing
by summer’s end. Must be salt,
like sadness at a burning city,
an ethical disobedience. I must be
a violet thorn of fire. These days
I don’t taste good, but I must
be singing and boneless, a...
of hydrangea, always bowing
by summer’s end. Must be salt,
like sadness at a burning city,
an ethical disobedience. I must be
a violet thorn of fire. These days
I don’t taste good, but I must
be singing and boneless, a...
A scherzo of thumbnail butterflies, white ones,
Covers the hillside. God is more
Adorable than music. Nevertheless,
On a given morning, as the wind drops,
Music pries Heaven apart from itself,
Like flowers beneath the wings unfolded on them.
Every breeze is self-registering.
This morning, I walked...
Covers the hillside. God is more
Adorable than music. Nevertheless,
On a given morning, as the wind drops,
Music pries Heaven apart from itself,
Like flowers beneath the wings unfolded on them.
Every breeze is self-registering.
This morning, I walked...
I know something about godforsaken places.
Walking on the beach alone, far from the Dead Sea,
I thought I saw a horseshoe crab crawling slowly—
it was a Gideon Society, black Bible cover.
Another time, washed up on a Montauk dune,
I found a Chianti...
Walking on the beach alone, far from the Dead Sea,
I thought I saw a horseshoe crab crawling slowly—
it was a Gideon Society, black Bible cover.
Another time, washed up on a Montauk dune,
I found a Chianti...

Table of Contents
- Traci Brimhall
- Donald Revell
- Stanley Moss
- Monica Youn
- Penelope Shuttle
- Sandra McPherson
- Pascale Petit
- Cortney Lamar Charleston
- Kathy Fagan
- Sam Riviere
- Jayme Ringleb
- Beth Bachmann
- Geraldine Clarkson
- Mary Meriam
- Harmony Holiday
- Rosebud Ben-Oni
- Atsuro Riley
- Marianne Boruch
- Gabrielle Bates, Adrienne Raphel
- Stephanie Burt
- Thomas McCarthy
- Clodagh Beresford Dunne
- Timothy Donnelly
- Caroline Bird
- Richard Kenney
- Oliver Baez Bendorf
- Jennifer S. Flescher
- Bev Yockelson
- Tom Pickard
- Beth Bachmann
- Gabrielle Bates
- Rosebud Ben-Oni
- Oliver Baez Bendorf
- Caroline Bird
- Marianne Boruch
- Traci Brimhall
- Stephanie Burt
- Cortney Lamar Charleston
- Geraldine Clarkson
- Timothy Donnelly
- Clodagh Beresford Dunne
- Kathy Fagan
- Jennifer S. Flescher
- Harmony Holiday
- Richard Kenney
- Thomas McCarthy
- Sandra McPherson
- Mary Meriam
- Stanley Moss
- Pascale Petit
- Tom Pickard
- Adrienne Raphel
- Donald Revell
- Atsuro Riley
- Jayme Ringleb
- Sam Riviere
- Penelope Shuttle
- Bev Yockelson
- Monica Youn