p1Is This My Last Ferry Trip?By Martha SilanoIs this the last time I’ll admire the guysin their neon-yellow slickers, guiding usto our parking spots…LivingDeathHealth & IllnessThe Body
p1The Apostle PaulaBy Chris WatkinsI was riding toward Damascus to yell at some Christians and maybe stone a few uninhibited women when…Social CommentariesGender & SexualityReligionChristianity
p1From “carrying songs from the sky to crease the ground”By Janice Lobo Sapigao 1. i wish i could tell you why i go back and forth between cities. maybe i belong to the bridges &…LoveInfatuation & CrushesRomantic Love
p1Eroica 1By Nick Makohai. samo© as an alternative to blah ... blahblahblah. blahzooey ... bblahblah quasi-blah ... etc. (in…Arts & Sciences
p1Trot SongBy Elise PaschenDuring the Grayhorse Dances in June, my mother side-stepped around the circle, echoing moves her grandmother…RelationshipsFamily & Ancestors
p1After “Killers of the Flower Moon”By Elise PaschenLily Gladstone confides she wore my great grandmother Eliza’s blankets in three scenes. I don’t remember…RelationshipsFamily & AncestorsArts & SciencesPhotography & Film
p1CarnivoreBy Rigoberto GonzálezI’m consuming myself, my doctor says, and I get the urge each time I lift a fork. How it rattles with…LivingHealth & IllnessThe Body
p1The Moon Is on WellbutrinBy Diannely AntiguaWhy else would she lift her shirt every night to show the world her one milky breast? My sister says…The Mind
p1SearchingBy Jordan PérezWhen the purple snap peas in the garden couldn’t find anything to grasp onto, the shoots ferned into…LivingParenthood
p1As Capitalism Gasps for Breath I Watch the Knicks GameBy Yesenia Montilla& I immediately think of Cheryl, her Malik, his beloved obsession with the team’s orange & blue, a sunset…Social CommentariesMoney & EconomicsActivitiesSports & Outdoor Activities
p1Transcendental Love SongBy Darrel Alejandro HolnesThis love dares not speak its name in some states until your eyes say it on a beach in Ft. Lauderdale…LoveRomantic LoveSocial CommentariesGender & SexualityHistory & PoliticsRelationshipsLGBTQ+
p1Transgender opera for perpetual metamorphosisBy heidi andrea restrepo rhodesI: My beloved is called an inconceivable beast, a spectacle diagnosed with teratoid genitalia, a chaos…LoveRomantic LoveSocial CommentariesGender & SexualityHistory & PoliticsRelationshipsLGBTQ+
p1ScreamingBy Carmen GiménezIn Lima, my mother screams from her bed and from a garden and in the parlor of her nursing home, and…LivingHealth & Illness
p1CommunionBy Michelle OteroAfter the stroke our father lost the word light switch asked me to press the wall so a world could open…LivingHealth & Illness
p1In the Surgical WardBy Carmen Calatayud my body at the water’s edge of opioid comfort under the brain’s night sky rounding the blue curve …LivingHealth & IllnessThe Body
p1The WakeBy Blas FalconerIn Francisco Oller’s El Velorio, a child lieson a table as if sleeping. It is covered in laceand blossoms…LivingDeathParenthood
p1/ FOR / AFTER / JAN BEATTY /By Richard Blanco After my third shot of tequila / chased by a lime sour as my rant: fuck this-fuck that-fuck them-fuck…RelationshipsFamily & AncestorsLGBTQ+Arts & SciencesPoetry & Poets
p1CODEX©By Nick Makoha SAMO© first appears as a tag on a New York City wall in 1978 two blocks down from Aswad bookstore…Arts & SciencesPainting & Sculpture
p1Self-Elegies By Martha SilanoBecause why not? Why not take the smashed pinecone of my life, render it in purple? Why not dream of…LivingDeathHealth & IllnessThe BodyTypes/ModesElegy
The Night Before My PiP Tribunal I See My DeadBy Karl KnightsYou left a note.‘Please don’t judge metoo harshly.’ I read itat your memorial.I hate that my voicedidn…LivingSorrow & GrievingThe BodyRelationshipsFriends & EnemiesAngerGrief